We at Memory Artists Studios realize that the future of the film industry needs to be taught to the children of tomorrow.
Therefore, we are offering three week, two-hour media bootcamps (6 hours total) to students from Grades 8-12 in the following fields:
Beginner Stop Motion Animation
Frame by frame make your ideas come to life!
- Each student will learn the basics of Dragonframe and Stop Motion Animator for IOS in an attempt to get them to learn how to animate.
- Students will have the chance to work with LEGOS and other stop motion figures to make their projects work,
- Students will learn how to tell a basic storyline as well as compose and tell a visual story,
Screenwriting and Producing for Film 101
Make a project that you can market one day.
- Students will learn how to write News for TV and radio, TV narrative, and film narrative scripts so that they can eventually produce a great project.
- Students will learn the basics of comedy writing and drama writing.
- Students will learn to breakdown their scripts so that they know what it will take to produce the script.
- Students will learn to make call sheets and budget for film.
Documentary Film and Editing Basics
Learn to tell the stories of the people that need their stories told.
- Learn different types of documentary
- Learn basic editing in Adobe Premiere.
- Learn interview skills that will allow for great documentaries as well as conversational speak.
- Walk away with a project that you can be proud of.
Acting for the Screen
- Learn tips to become a better actor from a director and an acting coach.
- Take headshots that are effective ($150 value)
- Act out scenes and various monologues for the camera
Podcast/Radio/Audio Classes
Learn the basics of everything you need to become a successful audio DJ and host for radio!
- Learn how to make internet podcasting work
- hone ol’ time radio tactics and learn how to do foley and sfx for films.
- Learn Adobe Audition
- If interested, record music and/or podcasts